Dear Valued Client,

As we approach the end of 2023, it’s time to reflect on the miles we’ve travelled, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the shared moments that have defined our journey together. This year has proven to be exceptional for Diesel Bro’s, and we wish to convey our sincere appreciation to each of you for being an integral component of our esteemed community.

Amidst the year-end hustle and bustle, we bring you some positive news on the fuel front. With a reduction of R0.65 per litre in petrol prices and R2.41 cents per litre in diesel prices, it is evident that the festive season not only heralds joy but also finan- cial relief for our esteemed drivers.

As we eagerly anticipate the forthcoming festive adventures, we underscore the importance of prioritising road safety. Before embarking on those memorable road trips, consider the below guidelines to ensure your vehicles are in peak condition.

We wish to express our deepest gratitude for the unwavering trust and support you have bestowed upon us. May the holiday season bring you joy and cherished moments with loved ones.

Here’s to a festive and safe holiday season, and to the exciting journeys that lie ahead in the new year!


Ryan Louw


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